Kyiv: China’s participation in world summit would be an important signal of country’s balanced position

Participation in the summit of the high representative of the PRC could become a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to the achievement of a fair and long -term world in Ukraine, the restoration of its territorial integrity.

This was stated by the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, commenting on the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Van and the relatively new “peaceful plan” Beijing.

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine believes that all countries that sincerely seek to restore the world should work together on its successful conduct, and not make efforts to raise the summit.

“China rightly declares respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries of the world and the mood by all means to fight for the world. The next week the global summit of the world will be held in Switzerland. We believe that all countries that sincerely strive to restore the world should work together over his successful conduct, and not make efforts to undermine the summit, ”the report said.

The department noted that China’s participation would become an important signal of the country’s balanced position.

“Participation in the summit of the high representative of the PRC could become a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to achieving a fair and long-term world in Ukraine, restoring its territorial integrity. Against the backdrop of four summits between China and the aggressor state at the level of leaders held From the beginning of a full -scale invasion, it would be an important signal of China’s balanced position, ”the Foreign Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry emphasized that it is Ukraine who should determine what the world should be.

“It is Ukraine, on the territory of which there is a war, as a side that fully experiences suffering from the destructive consequences of Russian aggression, should determine what the world should be. The only fair basis for achieving such a world is the formula of the world of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky “, – summed up in the department.