Kyrgyz Women Retain Tradition Of Headgear Of “elecheck”

Kyrgyz women continue to support the tradition of wearing a headdress called “Ales” and jewelry at the ends of braided hair.

A traditional bright headdress, symbolizing the social and economic status of Kyrgyz women and designated as “elec”, is used as an additional decoration of the outfit.

In addition to the head of the “elec”, women continue to wear jewelry at the ends of braided hair called “Uktuk”.

on holidays.

A scarf is used as a changing fabric at birth and as a savannah at death.

A retico teacher, who lives in the Toktogul district of the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan, Irina Tokontaeva transfers to future generations the headdress of the Kyrgyz woman “Elek” as a cultural heritage.

Tokontaeva noted that hats are of particular importance for Kyrgyz women. “Alek – a female headdress with a rich history. In the past, it was also used as a swaddling at birth, Savan for death and dressings for injuries.”

Describing the nomadic life of the Kyrgyz people over the years and the difficulties of nomadicism, she talks about the meaning of a national scarf.

“In the past, women covered their heads with a thin fabric of 18-20 meters long. This scarf was designed for four seasons. During migration to the mountainous areas, when a pregnant woman gave birth to a child, she untied the scarf and swaddled it. Thus, she I delivered the child to the good health in Kyrgyz, there is a saying “Good and evil.” , and if there was an injury, it was used as a bandage. “

I try to set an example, wearing traditional clothes

Tokontaeva is also the chairman of the female council of the district in which he lives. According to her, at present, Eleki is worn on holidays and special cases.

“I try to set an example for our future generations, wearing traditional clothes,” she adds.

Saying that a woman’s dress is as important as her faith, education and commitment to traditions, Tokontaeva noted: “We are generations of the manas’s epic. Our mothers lived their lives using their life experience. We must protect clothes left our mothers “.

Traditional jewelry prevent the curvature of the spine

A resident of the Kadamkai district of the Batken region Bibihatic Mamutov is decorating at the ends of braided hair. She explained the importance of jewelry at the ends of braided hair.

She said that the jewelry that elderly women at the end of the braid are called “Tipwood for Hair” and these are one of the most beautiful jewelry of Kyrgyz women.