Kyrgyzstan Called For Creation Of Mechanism Of Water And Energy Cooperation In CA

Taking into account the limitations of water resources and their significance for the entire region, Kyrgyzstan advocates the joint development and introduction of a mutually beneficial economic mechanism of water and energy cooperation in the region.

This was stated by the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov, the press service of the head of state reports. The President of the Kyrgyz Republic spoke at the 6th advisory meeting of the heads of the Central Asian state in Astana.

“This mechanism will allow taking into account the energy, economic, environmental and social value of water, as well as the corresponding interests of the countries of the region,” Zhaparov said.

The president in his speech also emphasized the importance of cultural cooperation and proposed to hold a number of joint cultural events. To launch this initiative, Kyrgyzstan is ready to provide the necessary site.

In the context of strengthening regional and global security, Sadyr Zadarov has the need to deepen the interaction and consolidation of the efforts of the countries of Central Asia.

“It is gratifying to note that we are all united in the fact that it is necessary to clearly comply with the universally recognized norms and principles of international law laid down in the UN Charter. All disagreements in the modern world must be solved exclusively peacefully at the negotiation table. For Kyrgyzstan, peace and stability in Kyrgyzstan in Afghanistan is one of the priority key conditions in the regional security system, ”said Sadyr Zhaparov.

At the end, the head of state noted that the desire of the region of the region to mutually understanding and joint actions creates a solid foundation for the stable and sustainable development of the entire region.