Kyrgyzstan: III Council Of General Prosecutors Of OTG Was Held

The III Council of Prosecutors General with the participation of representatives of the Member States of the Organization of the Turkic States (OTG) was held in the General Prosecutor’s Office of Kyrgyzstan.


According to the press service of the Prosecutor General of Kyrgyzstan, the meeting was attended by the Prosecutors of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Turkmenistan, as well as a representative of the International Union of Prosecutors.

General Prosecutors made reports on the topic “Strengthening cooperation between the General Prosecutor’s Office of the OTG countries in order to effectively respond to modern global challenges.”

participant. Councils affected the main issues of interaction and strategy of joint actions to counteract global threats, including international crimes, terrorism and cybercrime.

The meeting ended with the signing of a declaration reflecting specific steps and joint efforts to strengthen cooperation and increase readiness to respond to modern challenges.