Largest Mosque Of West Africa Is Ready For Ramazan

In the Massalliculi Jinan Moshalikul in the capital of Senegal Dakar, the latest preparations were completed on the occasion of the beginning of the Holy Muslims of the month of Ramazan.

Dzhanan Massalcul is one of the largest mosques of West Africa, capable of accommodating up to 30 thousand believers.

On the eve of Ramazan, carpets and floors were cleaned in the mosque, the speakers were replaced and the lighting system was repaired.

With a mosque throughout the month, Ramazan will organize collective Iftars (conversations).

Masalcul Ginan Moshalcul in Dakar was opened on September 27, 2019. Construction lasted about 7 years.

The name of the Moshalikul Dzhinan Mosque (“Ways to Paradise”) comes from the name of the poem Sheikh Amada Bamba Mbaka, who lived in the 19th century. He is the founder of the course of Muridium, and the followers revere it as a saint.

In the Massalcul Jinan Mosque there is the highest minaret in Senegal. It has a height of 78 meters.