Largest Pair Of Black Holes Was Discovered About 23 Million Light Years

In the journal Nature published an article on the detection of reactive steam consisting of charged ions, electrons and other particles that are accelerated almost to the speed of light under the influence of magnetic fields around black holes.

The study notes that a pair of jets of black holes called Porfirion, which is the largest of the currently discovered at the moment and has a length of about 23 million light years, was discovered.

Research was carried out using low -frequency antennas networks (Lofar). After the analysis of the data, scientists noted that Porphyrion in length is approximately equal to 140 Milky ways connected by VSK.

One of the scientists Martin Oi noted that perhaps many more “megastracles” are waiting for their discovery. According to him, “the Milky Way is like a small point in among two giant explosions.”

The previous largest black hole “Alcyoneus” was discovered by the same team in 2022. Then it was recorded that its length is about 100 miller tracks.