Lavrov Announced Need To Maintain Pragmatic Dialogue With Current Government Of Afghanistan

Russia is convinced of the need to maintain a pragmatic dialogue with the current government of Afghanistan. This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the sixth meeting of the Moscow format of consultations in Afghanistan.

“is convinced of the need to maintain a pragmatic dialogue with the current government of Afghanistan. Constructive interaction with Afghan partners meets the interests of the security and economic development of the region, as well as the goals of Mezhafgan national consent,” Lavrov said.

He noted that the “cynical policy of the” collective West “starts the situation around Afghanistan into a” dead end “.

“Washington and its allies, declaring commitment to the international support of the Afghans, in fact interfere with the revival of the Afghan state. Ignoring criticism from the world community, the United States is still illegally holding national Avoirs of Afghanistan, maintain strict sanctions against the banking sector of this country. Once again, we turn to the countries of the West with an urgent appeal to recognize responsibility for the post -conflict restoration of Afghanistan, remove sanctions restrictions and return the assigned Kabul assets, ”the minister.

Lavrov also announced the unacceptability of the return of the military infrastructure of third countries to the territory of Afghanistan or the placement of new military facilities in neighboring states under any prepositions. ” “As history testifies, projecting by external players in this region only exacerbates the problems of the region,” he issued.

At the same time, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed support for the active mood of the Afghan authorities to stop the terrorist threat.

“Of course, the spectrum of the still unresolved tasks in the field of counter -terror remains large. There are still various terrorist groups that raid the border in Afghanistan. In our common interests, to provide the Afghan authorities with the necessary effective assistance on this direction, ”he said.

Lavrov also drew attention to a difficult socio-economic situation in Afghanistan.

“We proceed from the need to increase the volume of international humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, which should not be politicized. For our part, we will continue on a regular basis to supply food and essential goods to Afghanistan,” the minister said. >

In conclusion, the Russian Foreign Minister called on “to show vigilance regarding the attempts of the United States and its allies to wedge into the settlement process in order to take control of them, using the authority of the UN for these unseemly purposes.”