Lavrov: Russian Federation supports Cuba’s demand for termination of blockade by United States

Russia confirms its readiness and will continue to decisively maintain the fair demands of Havana to urgently terminate the economic, trade, financial blockade of Cuba by Washington. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a joint press conference with the Foreign Minister of Cuba Bruno Rodriguez Parrilia.

“We are excluding Cuba from the American list of sponsored terrorism states. This is an absolute anomaly, when the state includes Cuba in such a list, and at the same time it itself is the United States of America, along with its satellites, is trying to keep the elusive hegemony in world affairs with frank affairs. Terror, using the methods of economic, financial, diplomatic terrorism, along with direct financing, with the support of terrorist attacks of the neo -Nazi regime in Kyiv against civilians in Russian territory, ”Lavrov said.

Speaking about further steps, the Russian Foreign Minister said that “they include building coordination on the problems of Latin America and the Caribbean.”

“We in every possible way contribute to the rapprochement of Cuba and other Latin America, including Alba members, with the Eurasian Economic Community, where Cuba is an observer and can help strengthen the relations of our integration structures with other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean,” the minister said.

In addition, Lavrov expressed gratitude to “Cuban friends for a fundamental position on the situation around Ukraine.”

from the very beginning, Havana appreciated what was happening with absolutely true, true reasons that it began to be prepared with the West for many years. Grateful to Cuban friends for an objective, consistent line that they promote in various forums, Including within the framework of the non -alignment movement, ”he said.

“We will continue to fight together for the formation of a fair, polycentric world order, which must rely on the generally accepted principles of international law, primarily the principles of the UN Charter on the sovereign equality of states, the inadmissibility of interference in their internal affairs. From these positions we are actively fighting for the neocolonial Practices have remained in the past forever, ”the minister added.