Leader of ultra -rights accuses Macron of organizing an administrative coup

The leader of the French ultra -right, Marine Le Pen accused the President of France Emmanuel Macron of that he arranged an “administrative revolution” by appointing high -ranking government officials in anticipation of early universal elections.

Leader of the Ultra Party “National Unity” (RN) Le Pen on the air of the France Inter radio station on the eve of the second round of early elections that will take place on July 7, made important statements.

Speaking about Macron’s broad government appointments, including leading posts in the European Union (EU), at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, held a few days before the first round of early elections on June 30, Le Pen noted: “The fact that you want to resist the votes voters and election results, appointing your people, does not allow you to pursue the policy that the people want this kind of administrative revolution. “

Le Pen also emphasized that the pH would revise these appointments if she comes to power.

In the first round of early universal elections, the ultra -right alliance, led by the Le Pen Rn party, took first place with 33.15 % of the vote, while the New Popular Front Alliance, formed by left -wing parties, took the second place from 28 %. The macron Alliance “All together for the Republic” showed the third result with 20 percent of the vote.