Leaders Of Uzbekistan And Germany Met With Representatives Of Business Circles Of Two Countries

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and German Chancellor Olaf Sholts on September 16, held a joint meeting with representatives of leading companies and banks of the two countries in Samarkand. This was reported by the press service of President Ruz.

The President of Uzbekistan highly appreciated the results of the highest levels held on the eve of fruitful negotiations.

He emphasized that the main results of the meeting were the agreement on the development of a set of measures to support and accelerate joint investment projects and trading contracts within the framework of the adopted strategic program of industrial and technological partnership with leading companies and banks of Germany. >

During the meeting, the President of Uzbekistan separately dwelled on the importance of establishing a close partnership of the German business with representatives of large Uzbek companies.

In turn, the Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz praised the stable nature of the development of multifaceted relations with our country. He emphasized the importance of strengthening existing business contacts and called on representatives of Germany’s business circles safely to participate in the implementation of joint projects and initiatives.

The President of Uzbekistan and German Chancellor took part in the launch ceremony of the joint school of training management personnel.

At the end of the Uzbek-German summit, a joint planting ceremony took place.

The leaders of the two countries together planted a tree on the alley of a congress center.