Level Of Use Of VISA Technologies “Tap To Phone” Has Increased By 200 % Over Past Year

The level of use of “Tap to Phone”- VISA technological solution for contactless payments through smartphones, increased by 200 percent worldwide compared to the previous year.

According to the company, the TAP To Phone technology continues to spread around the world. With the help of this application, the enterprise of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as microvisions, got the opportunity to develop their business, turning their mobile phones into a contactless POS terminal.

At the same time, in countries with the highest level of use of technology, Great Britain and Brazil- the total growth of TAP To Phone users ”- amounted to 234 percent. The company has even more expanded the scope of its contacts of contactless payment. Technology played a decisive role in the fact that about 30 percent of sellers around the world were able to reach the level of small and central business.

The TAP to Add Card function was launched around the world through Apple Pay in September 2024. This function allows you to add contactless cards to digital wallets, just touching their mobile device with them.

The company also developed the TAP to confirm, which allows consumers to quickly and safely confirm large money transfers.

The technology of non -contact sending money will be available on Samsung Galaxy devices called “Tap to Transfer” at the end of this year.

“Today, local micro -enterprises, as well as the leading world giants of retail trade, can take payments directly from their smartphones. This means a transformation that provides equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of business size. We, as Visa, are very glad to provide support to micro -enterprises, as well as small and medium -sized enterprises in their development, which facilitates access to financial services,” said the general Director Visa Türkiye Samile Mumin, whose words are given in the message.