Lukashenko: green agenda in international cooperation is meaningless in confrontation

The green agenda in international cooperation is meaningless in confrontation, it requires respect for the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice.

This is the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, stated at the World Summit to combat climate change in Dubai, BelTA correspondent reports.

Lukashenko noted that Belarus under the Paris Agreement fully fulfills the obligations and even exceeds them.

“We provide invaluable” ecosystem services “to our continent, preserving the unique source of oxygen – natural swamps, forests,” light European “, – the Belarusian leader said.

According to Lukashenko, Belarus develops green and atomic energy, minimizing the risks of climate change.

“Paradoxically, in response we get new economic sanctions, barriers in international trade, restriction of access to technology. And not only us. It is time to admit: the green agenda is meaningless in confrontation. It requires respect for the sovereignty of countries and unconditional justice!” – said the President of Belarus.

Lukashenko also called on the countries not to “express concern”, but to act to resolve issues of climatic security.

“Belarus calls on everyone who is obliged to take on the burden of historical responsibility: the first is to make a proportional contribution to the solution of climatic security issues for all centuries of thoughtless attitude to nature; the second is to strengthen the support of developing countries and states with transition economies; the third is to stop “express concern” and begin to act in the name of preserving life on Earth, ”said the head of state.

The president stated that the climate is changing, and scientists are making the most gloomy forecasts.

“What we hear and react is very progressive. But in order to effectively resist the threat, it is necessary to honestly and openly name its root cause,” the head of state remarked.
