Lukashenko: Minsk Will Provide Ukrainians With Support If Poland Tries To “pull Off” West Of Ukraine

If Poland attempts to “pull off” the West of Ukraine, Belarus will provide Ukrainians with support. This was the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, stated on October 4 during communication with the residents of the agro -town of Parokhonsk, BelTA reports.

Lukashenko drew attention to the fact that Poland has its own interests in Ukraine.

According to the Belarusian leader, the basis of claims from Poland is the desire to grab the western part of Ukraine. “Both Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. And there is dominant. It is unacceptable for us. If only the Poles climb into Ukraine and try to pull off the West, we will support Ukrainians. Because we understand that we will be the next ones,” Lukashenko said.

In addition, the President of Belarus announced the readiness of Minsk to help Ukraine in restoration of the country.

Lukashenko claims that if something needs to be decided by the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky immediately flies to Washington.

“He does not go to Minsk and Moscow to agree and eventually end this war. He thinks that the Americans will restore Ukraine after the war and they will be” durable “, strong, wise. No one will restore them. The authorities will change – They say: “Volodya, who are you?” – Lukashenko believes.

According to the Belarusian leader, the new American authorities will be concerned about the problems within their country and they will not be up to Ukraine.

“Therefore, the leadership of Ukraine must take their heads in their hands and understand that they will first need to restore the country. With the help of people close to them, primarily Belarusians,” Lukashenko noted.

The president said that on certain channels, contacts with Ukrainians are supported and Minsk will do everything in order to coexist with Ukraine peacefully.

“You do not worry, we are not going to fight with the Ukrainians. And they do not want to fight with us: where else do they” shoe “? And why do we need? Our people live. We will do everything to coexist It is peaceful with Ukraine.

“We are by no means escalating the situation. We do not need this escalation. But we know: if somewhere they have a concentration of the armed forces (who knows why they collect the military in a heap and drive the equipment) as soon as Some kind of tension, I expose the barrier to my servicemen. which he will protect.

Lukashenko also called his main task – “not to allow drawing into the war of Belarus.”

“We must understand that we are at the front: very close, behind the fence, there is a war. My main task is to prevent drawing into this fight, into this war of Belarus,” he added.