Lukashenko: Trade in Belarus develops dynamically even in difficult economic conditions

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated workers and veterans of the trade industry on a professional holiday, the press service of the Belarusian leader said.

“The trade industry of the national economy develops dynamically even in difficult economic conditions,” the congratulation says.

“Thanks to your work, the share of domestic goods on store shelves is increasing, infrastructure develops, retail trade is growing, digital technologies, new forms and methods of population service. This directly affects the standard of living of each Belarusian and strengthens the opinion of numerous tourists about our republic as a way About the country of welcoming, beautiful, convenient for life and very hospitable, ”he said.

Lukashenko also noted the invaluable practical experience and professional baggage of veterans of the trade sphere that laid traditions for the young generation.

The Belarusian leader wished the workers and veterans of trading good health, well -being, peaceful sky above their heads.