Lukashenko: West is unable to get Belarus into “military showdowns”

The West simply cannot be patient to drag Belarus into military showdowns. This was stated by President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, at a meeting with the chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin, BelTA correspondent reports.

“There are many questions. And the general issues that we need to solve. I think you are in the subject and see what is happening around Belarus. They simply can’t wait to draw us into a showdown. In order to pull us along this border, make it impossible Our resistance and bring the escalation to such an extent that the whole world will tremble.

Vyacheslav Volodin arrived in Belarus on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He will take part from the Russian side in celebrations on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.

Earlier, the commander of the special operations for ideological work, Colonel Vadim Lukashevich said that the situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by an increase in tension. “The coalition of Western countries is unleashed by a hot conflict near our territory. On their part, attempts to draw our country into the war are made. In these difficult conditions, our country is doing everything to preserve the world on Belarusian land,” he said.

In turn, the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, the First Deputy Minister of Defense Pavel Muravayko, said that the Belarusian army learned to treat non -strategic nuclear weapons and would use it with a threat of sovereignty and independence of the country.

“One of the last arguments and theses that act as a restraining factor is the return of non -strategic nuclear weapons to the territory of our country. We learned to handle this weapon. We can confidently use it. We can do this. And you may not To doubt: we will do this if a threat will be created for the sovereignty and independence of our country, ”said Muraneko.