Maldives threatens disappearance

Maldives may disappear by the end of the century, if the world does not quickly and agrees to deal with climate change, the Minister of the Environment, Climate Changes and Technologies of the country of the country of Shauna, said.

According to her, if the environment will continue to be applied as damage as now, then by 2100 the Maldives will not be “.

“Climate change is real, and we are the most vulnerable country in the world,” said Shauna on the air CNBC channel.

She noted that today 80% of the Maldives are located at an altitude of only one meter above sea level. Shauna added that floods are observed on most of the islands, as well as coastline erosion.

Also, according to the minister, the Maldives authorities have already taken a number of efforts to minimize the impact of climate change. For example, measures are taken to protect coastal areas in the country. Also, Maldives are striving to become a leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to convince the rest of the countries to follow their example.