Manuscript of Kyrgyz epic “Manas” was included in UNESCO heritage list

The manuscript of one of the options for the Kyrgyz epic “Manas” is included in the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, the press service of the Kyrgyz leader.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov accepted the general director of UNESCO ODRE Azule, who arrived in the country on an official visit.

A exchange of views on cooperation in the field of preventing the consequences of climate change, preservation and development of cultural and historical heritage.

took place.

Zhaparov noted that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to cooperation with UNESCO, in particular to expand international contacts in the fields of education and science.

The Kyrgyz leader expressed hope for UNESCO’s support in the development of the national creative industry, primarily in Central Asia as part of regional initiatives for the use of technologies and digital innovations.

Odre Azule, in turn, thanked Zhaparov for the hospitality, noting that it was a great honor for her to come for the first time in Kyrgyzstan.

She with satisfaction emphasized the active position of Kyrgyzstan in matters of cooperation with UNESCO in preserving the cultural and historical heritage of mankind.

At the end of the meeting, Azule handed to Zhaparov a certificate of inclusion of the manuscript of the Manas epic in the version of Manaschy Sagymbai Orozbakov in the list of intangible heritage.