Mass death of seals on Caspian

The squad of Moscow and Dagestan scientists discovered in two days on the coast of the Caspian Sea near Makhachkala more than 150 dead nerve brought into the Red Book of the Russian Federation. This was announced on Thursday by TASS coordinator of environmental programs The Marine Mammal Scientific Expeditionary Center Viktor Nikiforov.

“along with our Dagestan comrades in two days we found more than 150 dead Red Caspian seals. We continue the examination, I think that today the number of dead animals will reach 200. A terrible picture, I have never seen this, every 50 meters on the beach The dead nerve, “said Nikiforov.

Coast Study Moscow scientists are held jointly with the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Dagestan State University and Ano “Caspian Environmental Center”. According to the director of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Alimurade Hajiyev, some of the dead young seals were found without a skins, were also found individuals that entangled in fishing networks.

“The causes of death can be very different: from the pollution of the sea to fishing. To understand the reason, you need to conduct a thorough and comprehensive study, year-round monitoring. We took tissue samples to determine the structure of the population, the age of the dead animals. One hundred years ago Number The Caspian had more than a million, and now, according to different estimates, 50-70 thousand. This is a serious decrease in the number, such a problem cannot be solved by one-time promotions, “added Nikiforov.