Mayor Of Istanbul Ekre Imamoglu Was Arrested On Charges Of Corruption

Istanbul Ekrem, Imamoglu, was arrested as part of an investigation on charges of corruption in the city hall.

According to Imabul’s General Prosecutor’s Office, a criminal case was instituted against the Imamoglu and 99 suspects on charges of a “criminal organization”, “participation in a criminal organization”, “fraud”, “bribery”, “qualified fraud”, “illegal receipt of personal data” and “manipulation of tenders”. Also investigated the accusations of “providing the assistance of the PKK/KCK terrorist organization” regarding the seven suspects, including Imamoglu, Deputy Secretary General of the City Hall of Mahir Pulat and the head of the municipality, Resul Emrah Shahan sewn.

After the completion of the procedures in the police, some suspects were sent to the Istanbul Palace of Justice in the Chaglayan. The procedures for suspects in the criminal court are completed.

The court decided to arrest the mayor of Imbul Imamoglu.

The procedures for other suspects continue.