Measures were taken in connection with incidents in Turkey in north of Syria

The necessary measures were carried out in connection with the incidents that took place in various cities of Turkey and in the north of Syria after the spread of information that a person of Syrian origin has committed sexual violence against a minor of Syrian origin in the Turkish city of Kaiseri.

This was reported by sources in the Turkish security forces.

The events began in Kaiseri after, which spread to the north of Syria.

“In response to the actions of provocateurs in relation to the Syrians living in Turkey, in areas under the control of the Turkish forces in the northern Syria, riots occurred. Actions against the Syrians and their commercial objects took place throughout the night in Khatai, Gaziantep , Kaiseri, Konya, Bursa and Istanbulsky district of the Sultanbeli.

The National Intelligence Organization (MİT) of Turkey, the Ministry of the Interior and the Police closely monitored the development of events both in Turkey and in the north of Syria and took the necessary measures.

“Persons and participants involved in provocative actions against the Turkish Republic and trying to undermine the foreign policy line of Turkey are detained, the necessary procedures have begun in relation to them,” sources noted.

It is emphasized that the necessary actions of a legal nature will be taken against all involved in provocation of these shares.

“The Turkish Republic will not allow any action against its sovereignty,” the sources added.