Members Of UN Security Council Condemned Terrorist Attack In Afghanistan

Members of the UN Security Council (SB UN) condemned the terrorist act in the capital of Afghanistan Kabul, committed on September 2.

15 members of the UN Security Council made a written statement about the attack.

The statement expresses condolences to the relatives of the dead and the wishes of the speedy recovery of the wounded.

The text of the statement emphasizes that all forms and types of terrorism pose the most serious threat to the world and security in Afghanistan and around the world, and it is emphasized that the perpetrators must be held accountable.

This context contains a call to all members of the organization to provide the necessary assistance and it is said that nothing can legitimize terrorist activity.

– UN Member States call to fight terrorism

The attack was organized by a suicide bombing terrorist in the Dar-Ul-Aman area of ​​the capital of Kabul on Monday evening, September 2, when civil servants were leaving work. Responsibility for the attack was taken by the terrorist organization deash.

The report of the Kabul police department says that as a result of the attack of the suicide bomber died at least 6 people and 13 were injured.

On the other hand, some media, opposition administrations of Afghanistan, argue that at least 16 people died as a result of the attack.

In Afghanistan, the terrorist organization deesh periodically commits terrorist attacks against security forces, public servants and the civilian population, especially the Khazaret Shiites.