Mercedes-Benz Will Offer Automatic Driving At Speeds Up To 95 Km/h

Mercedes-Benz introduced a new iteration of his company autopilot called Drive Pilot.

According to the company, the autopilot Drive Pilot, corresponding to the third level of autonomy, will soon “learn” the car at speeds up to 95 kilometers per hour instead of the current 65.

By the end of the year, the company is waiting for the end of certification of the system by the Federal Directorate of Road Transport of Germany (KBA), in order to begin to equip client machines at the beginning of 2025.

Mercedes-Benz currently develop the next level of Drive Pilot, which will increase the maximum speed to 130 km per hour.

Car owners with a previous generation system will be able to update it for free, but the rest will have to pay 5950 euros.

BMW competitor with headquarters in Munich currently also offers drivers a system of autopilot, which can develop speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour on the highway.