Migrant-supporters robbed and beat migrants

French millionaire and a former politician, a well-known supporter of the inflow of migrants to the country Bernard Tapi, was a victim of criminals of African descent: migrants or descendants of migrants penetrated his house, beat him and his wife and committed a robbery. This is reported by Sud Radio in his twitter.

78-year-old Tapha and his an elderly spouse were tied up and beaten, demanding to tell, where their savings and valuables are hidden in the house. In the process of politician, according to his own words, indignant: “Why do you do it? I always fought racism, fought for such as you.” In response, the robbers laughed, wrapped it and stated that “these times have already ended.”

It is noted that Tapha throughout his political career occupied the position of socialism and multiculturalism, advocated an open society, and struggled with nationalists in politics.