Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation: 25 UAVs over number of regions were destroyed and intercepted during night

Russian air defense (air defense) was destroyed and intercepted during the night of 25 unmanned aerial vehicles, including above Crimea, Kuban, Tula and Astrakhan regions. This is stated in the message of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“Two UAVs on duty funds of the air defense have been destroyed over the territory of the Rostov region, one UAV was destroyed and two intercepted over the territory of the Belgorod region, one UAV was destroyed above the territory of the Bryansk region, one UAV was destroyed above the territory of the Tula region, three UAVs were destroyed above the territory of the Astrakhan region, Five UAVs were destroyed and four intercepted over the Republic of Crimea, as well as six UAVs are intercepted over the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, ”the statement said.

In addition, the department noted that “two sulfate boats that followed in the direction of the Crimean Peninsula were destroyed in the Black Sea.”

Meanwhile, the head of North Ossetia (the Republic of North Ossetia -Alania -the Subject of the Russian Federation) Sergey Avayolo said that three unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down in the Mozdoka. “According to preliminary information, the UAVs flew from the Ukrainian side. Their goal was a military airfield. There is no victim and destruction,” he wrote in his Telegram channel.