Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ministry of Emergency Situations Conducts searches of military in Lake in Kelbajar Military

On the hot line of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “112” received information that Farzaliyev Ilham Allahverdi Oglu (1981) drowned in Lake Beyuk Alagel on the territory of Kelbajarsky district, reports the site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to the report, the search for the search group of the state service for controlling small courtes and salvation on the waters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is involved.

Recall, on the eve of the Kelbajar district during swimming in Lake Beyuk, Alagel drowned the captain of the Azerbaijani Army Ilham Farzaliyev. The press service of the Ministry of Defense confirmed the information about the death of Captain Farzaliyev Ilham Allahverdi oglu while swimming in the lake. A criminal case has been initiated, an investigation is underway.