Ministry of Health: Half of Israel population is completely vaccinated

In Israel, both doses of vaccine from Coronavirus have already received more than 50% of the population, wrote on Twitter the head of the country of Julius Edelstein, expressing confidence that the country will defeat Coronavirus, and urged everyone to continue to follow all the instructions of the physicians so that the epidemic is not returned.

The Government of Israel announced that, thanks to a successful campaign for vaccination, citizens who received “green passports” of the vaccination made will be able to meet the coming holidays – Peshov, the Day of Memory of the Holocaust Victims and Independence Day – with a smaller number of restrictions than a year ago, writes Jerusalem POST.

Over the past day in Israel, held 45,0007 tests for coronavirus and revealed 470 new cases of infection. 12 906 people are sick, including 482 – hard. From the beginning of the pandemic, 830,515 were infected with coronavirus, 6,157 sicks died.