Minsk Announced Readiness To Use Right To Self -defense And Respond To Provocations

Belarus will fully use its right to self -defense and properly respond to any provocations and any hostile actions using all available forces, means and capabilities.

This was stated by a permanent representative of the Republic of Belarus at the UN Valentin Rybakov in his speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council, BelTA reports.

Rybakov informed in detail about the incident from the group of drones running from Ukraine, which violated the border of Belarus and was knocked down by the Belarusian air defense forces. “

“In connection with the danger of the situation and in connection with the global risks of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, it has already begun to bring detailed information about this incident to the UN, to the OSCE, – the Belarusian diplomat said. –

“We have already initiated the corresponding consultations with our allies and partners in the line of international structures,” summarized the Permanent Representative.

According to him, the incident with the launch of UAVs is extremely serious and can lead to a radical escalation of the situation.

“The incident is a very dangerous attempt to expand the zone of the conflict current in our region. At the same time, Belarus is trying to involve the conflict, which invariably advocates the settlement of the crisis and the cessation of bloodshed in the region,” the diplomat emphasized.

military units, forces of special operations, ground forces, missile forces, aviation, including Iskander complexes, received the relevant task, and the Ministry of Defense in this regard said that Belarus would carefully monitor the situation and will be ready to respond to any changes in this setting, he reminded.

“The Ukrainian side was warned that in the event of a repeat of such provocations, Belarus reserves the right to take the necessary retaliatory steps to protect his territory,” Rybakov said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that they “do not see any particular feasibility to respond to statements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus,” said Rybakov, calling the reaction of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission “Very interesting.”

“On August 12, a prisoner in the affairs of the European Union in the Republic of Belarus was invited to the Belarusian Foreign Ministry. The Belarusian side of this incident was brought to the European diplomat. Particular attention of the European diplomat was involved in the fact that the elements of one of the air defense shot down by the Belarusian forces Directors found the marking of manufacturers of the European Union countries, ”he said.

This escalation is fraught with a serious expansion, including the European Union, the permanent representative of Belarus at the UN.

drew attention

“Belarus invariably advocates a peaceful settlement of the crisis by negotiations and calls on the European Union to take all the necessary measures in order to influence the Ukrainian leadership in order to prevent such incidents in the future,” he added.