Minsk Announced Their Readiness To Expand Horizons Of Cooperation With Venezuela

For Belarus and Venezuela, it’s time to significantly expand the horizons of cooperation.

This was stated by the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko during a meeting with the chairman of the National Assembly of Venezuela Horge Rodriguez, BelTA reports.

“In the last decade, we have focused more on the trade and economic agenda of our relations. But now, due to attempts by international isolation, illegitimate pressure, undermining the sovereignty of our countries, it is time to significantly expand the horizons of interaction,” said the head of the Belarusian Cabinet.

According to the politician, there have been friendly, fraternal relations between the two countries for a long time, Minsk and Karakas support each other in the international arena. “First of all, thanks to the coincidence of the views on the processes taking place in the world and on those tools that we must contrast an attempt by world hegemony, an attempt to impose a particular course to all countries. We consider it very important to raise to a new level and relations in the inter -parliamentary sphere. explained Golovchenko.

The head of the Belarusian Cabinet noted that both in Belarus and Venezuela, the parliament takes on the function of direct interaction between the authorities and the people, society and the state. “Our parliament, especially in recent years, had to work hard enough, adopting laws that are aimed at counteracting illegal economic and political pressure, attempts to undermine our economy. I am sure that the Venezuela parliament also engaged in such work. In my opinion, we must combine efforts, we must combine efforts, Change experience, best practices, ”the Prime Minister expressed the opinion

Venezuela National Assembly in October 2023 formed a friendship group of Venezuela – Belarus. “I consider it very timely to sign an agreement on cooperation between our parliaments. I also hope to support Venezuelan parliamentarians in the implementation of the most important projects for both countries of mechanical engineering, petrochemistry, science, technology and education. Everything that we do has only one goal – to do it – to do it Better life of our peoples, ”the head of the Belarusian government added.

– the West acts “according to some patterns in different countries”

Golovchenko noted that the West acts “according to one patterns in different countries” and urged together to counteract its influence.