Minsk: situation on Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by an increase in tension

The situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by an increase in tension. This was reported by the deputy commander of the special operations for the ideological work of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Colonel Vadim Lukashevich, whose words are given by BelTA.

“The situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by an increase in tension. The coalition of Western countries is unleashed by a hot conflict near our territory. From their part, attempts to draw our country into war are made. In these difficult conditions, our country does everything to preserve the world on Belarusian land . .

He noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Armed Forces) pull a large amount of personnel and equipment to the Belarusian borders.

“We know for sure that there are passages in a number of mine-explosive barriers. They equipped them for what purpose? Why did they do this? Surely so that in the future through these mine-explosives, through these aisles made, made In them, there was an opportunity to penetrate our territory of the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, raid detachments in order to conduct sabotage, terrorist acts on our Belarusian land, ”says Lukashevich.

“In addition, we know that the APU has launched system observation systems near our borders, widely use unmanned aerial vehicles, periodically, violating the border, fly into our territory. Units of special operations perform tasks together with the border organs of the borderline Services for covering the state border have the task of conducting search actions, in case of discovery of diversion -reconnaissance groups of the enemy, block and destroy them, ”he added.