Mission Of Coalition Led By United States In Iraq Will End By September 2025

The military mission of the US Coalition led by the DeASH in Iraq will end by September 2025, a new process of security cooperation will be initiated between Iraq and the United States. This is stated in a joint statement by the United States and Iraq, published by the State Department.

The mission of the coalition created under the leadership of the United States to combat Deasash in 2014 in Iraq will end in 12 months, in September 2025, a new process of “security partnership in the field of security,” the report said.

At the same time, the report notes that the military mission of the coalition in the fight against DeAsh in Syria will continue until September 2026.

A high -ranking US official at a briefing on this issue said that this agreement does not mean the “withdrawal of troops from Iraq.”

According to him, this step means reducing the number of contingent, leaving some bases that the United States use in Iraq, and the adoption of new measures in accordance with military obligations in the country.

“I want to emphasize the fact that this is not the withdrawal of troops. This is a transition process. This is a transition from the military mission of the coalition to the expansion of bilateral relations between the United States and Iraq in the field of security,” he said.

The official also did not specify how much the United States, which currently have about 2500 military in Iraq, will reduce the number of contingent in this country.