Mobilized threaten head of Shakhovsky district to Zamir Gadzhiev

A group of mobilized Russian citizens from the Shakhovsky district of the Moscow region, sent to Ukraine, distributed a video with an advanced one in which the military reports that they did not give out the promised weapons, and therefore they intend to return home to “find out” with the head Shakhovsky district by Zamir Gadzhiev.

Video, saturated with non-normative vocabulary, is common in Telegram channels. Mobilized say that, contrary to the promises of the head of the district, they were sent to Ukraine without any equipment and military equipment.

“Where is the tanks, where are the armored personnel carriers? – mobilized soldiers ask on the video on the video. – We are alone here, we don’t even know where we are, we are running out of ammunition, with*a! Come on, bring, g*n! Or we will come for you! You understand?! We were brought and threw us into some desert, we don’t know where we are! We don’t even have shovels! .. ”

Note that Gadzhiev Zamir Agagaevich was born in the Shakhovsky district in 1968, on October 24 this year was elected chairman of the Shakhovsky municipality. Before the election was the head of the Shakhovsky city administrative district.