In Moldova on Monday, December 16, the Parliament’s decision on the introduction of a state of emergency for 60 days in connection with a difficult situation in the energy sector.
entered into force.
According to Moldipers, the announcement of a state of emergency was proposed by the government on the basis of the report of the Emergency Situations (CCC) Commission of the Republic of Moldova, as well as taking into account the fact that the lack of energy resources directly and directly affects the security of the state and citizens.
The decision to introduce a state of emergency was made by the folk chosen ones by a majority vote.
The Prime Minister Dorin Republic made a request for the introduction of an emergency in parliament, who stated that “this winter should be the last winter in the history of the country, when we can threaten energy danger.”
Thus, the electricity deficit should be covered by procurement on the Romanian electricity exchange, administered by the OPCOM Romanian Romanian market, within the trading power limit (NTC) for electricity import from the ENTSO-E tender zone to the joint unit of Ukraine-Moldov.
The situation is aggravated by limited capacities for electricity imports allocated to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
Therefore, in addition to the impossibility of increasing the NTC between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the value of 315 MW is higher than the value of the imported electricity and the impossibility of covering the entire deficit.
Vulnerability is also aggravated by the fact that the power transmission line Isakcha-Wulkenezhat crosses the territory of Ukraine, which makes it vulnerable to interruptions in the case of new attacks on energy infrastructure in a neighboring country.
A state of emergency is necessary in order to ensure the possibility of immediate application of a number of measures through the CCC. They will be aimed at preventing, reducing and eliminating the consequences of the situation that caused a state of emergency.
In particular, it will be possible to set a special mode of procurement of electricity and natural gas at an accelerated pace and allocate money for it.
In the same way, decisions can be made that provide suppliers and system operators with the right to act and buy, transport or distribute electricity and natural gas throughout the country.
, through the provisions of the CCC, it will be possible to dispose of the rationalization of energy consumption, if necessary, the process of informing citizens about the scale of the emergency and measures to protect the population will be provided.
During the state of emergency, the COMP of the Republic of Moldova will issue executive orders for the heads of the bodies of central and local public administration, economic agents, state institutions, as well as for citizens and other persons located in the Republic of Moldova.