Moldova: Farmers Planned Protest Campaign At Presidential Residence

In the capital of Moldova, Chisinau on Thursday, September 19, a protest of representatives of the agricultural sector will be held.

The FORțA Fermierilor Association has announced that farmers from several areas included in various organizations will arrive at the presidential of 12.00 local time, Moldovan media reports.

Agrarians ask the head of state to return a special law for farmers to the parliament, which should be changed on the basis of the requirements put forward by the Forța Fermierilor Association.

members of the Forța Fermierilor Association are unhappy that none of their proposals were taken into account by the authorities who developed the regulation of assistance in the amount of 100 million lei and a special law related to the drought of this year.

In this context, a group of representatives of protesting farmers will be on September 19, 2024, at 12:00, to the administration of the President of the Republic of Moldova. Participants in the action intend to discuss this law with the head of state, as well as other topics relating to the agricultural sector.

At the same time, agricultural equipment will remain on the roadsides. The Forța Fermierilor Association also announced that new areas will join the protests.

Agricultural producers from the south of the country, dissatisfied with the measures adopted by the authorities, continue to participate in protests, insisting on the requirements sent by them to persons making decisions on the support of agriculture that suffered from the last three years.

According to the IPN press agency, earlier farmers warned that on Thursday they would continue protests and would picket the building of the presidential and parliament.

Protest protest passes peacefully, farmers are located along the roadsides, but the demonstrations will expand, farmer said Sergi Stefanko.

He added that the groups of demonstrators from the Kantemir, Leova, Wulkeneesht, Tarakli, Komrat and Chadyr-Lunga districts entered the Protest on Wednesday, and on Thursday farmers from Drokia, Gloren and Khincheste are joined.

Sergi Stefanko confirmed that farmers want to meet with persons making decisions from a number of state institutions: presidential, parliament, government, National Bank of Moldova and the Ministry of Agriculture.