Moldova President called on citizens to vote in elections in European Parliament

Moldova President Maya Sandu called on citizens of the republic, who also have citizenship of European countries, vote in the elections to the European Parliament, which will be held on June 6-9, the Moldavian state media reports.

“Dear citizens, I turn to those who already have European passports – Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, France or another EU state. On June 6-9, elections will be held in the European parliament, and the Moldovan voting for the European parliament, which supports The entry of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, it is important for the whole country. – said the head of state.

with the same appeal, they turned to citizens in the ruling party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS). “The place of Moldova in a large European family. In order for our voice to continue to sound in the European parliament, it is important that all Moldovans in their homeland and abroad, who have a Romanian passport, actively participate in the elections on June 6-9. The more people from The Moldovans will take part in the vote, the stronger the signal that the Moldovan people can influence the direction in which the European Union is moving. Igor Gros at a briefing on June 3.

He urged citizens to vote for the National Liberal Party of Romania (PNL). “We want as many deputies as possible to go to the European Parliament, such as Siegfried Mureshan and ADINA -Joan Valyan, who are negotiating with all their colleagues in parliament on equal terms to achieve good results for Moldova, Romania and Europe,” Grosa added Gros .

For the elections to the European Parliament on June 9, 52 polling stations will be opened in the Republic of Moldova, of which 28 sites in the center (13 sites in Chisinau), 17 sites in the north and 7 in the south of the Republic of Moldova.