Montenegro must strengthen public trust in preventing and fighting corruption at top executive level and in police

CoE/Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

In a new report evaluating the effectiveness of the framework in place in Montenegro to prevent corruption amongst members of the government and other top executive functions and in the police, the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) calls for strong political measures to strengthen the coherence of the anti-corruption system. It recommends establishing a national anti-corruption strategy and emphasises that all public authorities, and not solely the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, should take ownership of its effective implementation. GRECO provides 22 recommendations to the authorities and will assess Montenegro’s compliance after 31 December 2023, by when the authorities should submit a report on the measures taken (see the report in French version and the unofficial translation into Montenegrin as provided by the authorities).

Press release

Montenegro must strengthen public trust in the prevention of and fight against corruption at the top executive level and in the police

GRECO and Montenegro

Public Release. More on this here.