More Than 300 Species Of Birds Live In Khazar Reserve In Turkmenistan

Water Porno in the southeastern part of the Caspian Sea, which are part of the Khazar State Natural Reserve of Turkmenistan, are traditional places for wintering hundreds of various species of birds, including rare.

The Khazar Reserve is a home for more than 300 species of various waterfowl. According to experts, more than 70% of the birds listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan live on the reserve.

In early February, in connection with the historical date of the adoption of the Convention on the Water-Bolota Earths of International significance (Ramsar Convention), World Water-Bolota Paradise Day is celebrated here.

A warm, soft climate and abundance of food on the island of Ogurdzhala, which is part of the reserve, attract flocks of various species of birds, especially gulls, tones and large white herons, which are fishing birds. Currently, hundreds of species of birds are wintering at the Caspian, among which there are many pink flamingos, which are considered a symbol of the reserve, reports Turkmenistan: the Golden Age.

Today, the reserve experts carry out large -scale work on the preservation, scientific study of water, flora and fauna of the Caspian Sea.

Turkmenistan has been a side of the Ramsar Convention since 2008. Currently, the water grounds of the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea are among the key territories of international significance. Migratory paths of birds from the northern countries pass through them, and the Caspian coast is considered to be the most suitable place for wintering.