Moscow called on Israel and Palestine to restraint

Moscow calls on the parties of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to show restraint and not take steps leading to the escalation of conflict. This is stated in the comments of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova on the issue of developing the situation on the Palestinian-Israeli direction.

Diplomat noted that the situation in Jerusalem and around the gas sector remains extremely tense. “In Moscow, with deep concern, perceive such a dangerous development of events. We strongly condemn the attacks on civilians regardless of their national and religious affiliation. We urge the parties to show restraint and not take steps fraught with further escalation of tension. We believe the observance of the enshrined in Jordan-Israeli peaceful contract. CVO status on holy places in Jerusalem, as well as well-known UN resolutions relating to this city, “she said.

Moscow in collaboration with regional and international parties will consistently achieve a sustainable and complex Palestinian-Israeli settlement, says Zakharova comments.

“Russia as a permanent member of the Security Council, the” quartet “participant of international intermediaries on the BLU in cooperation with regional and international parties will consistently achieve a comprehensive and sustainable settlement in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions, providing for the creation of two states – Palestine and Israel, coexisting in peace and security, “the diplomat emphasized.