Moscow police are taken to exercises

divisions of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs began to conduct exercises at landfills, police officers train to shoot from machine guns and throw grenades, Russian telegram channels report.

“Until now, we have always had trainings on shooting, but only from a pistol and without leaving a suburb. Now many have already traveled to landfills, shot from a machine gun, launched grenades. They said to others preparing for exercises. The turnout is required,” said it. One of the police officers.

According to them, some bosses go further and arrange training marching marchings – with duffel bags and in body armor. And in one of the metropolitan units, police officers were completely taken to an obstacle strip, where it was necessary to crawl along the mud and use gas masks.

The police are also unhappy that the authorities do not give them a form for exercises, since it is supposedly not in warehouses. As a result, the police have to buy everything at their own expense, and this may take up to 20 thousand rubles.