Muhammad Yunus Was Appointed Head Of Transition Government Bangladesh

Nobel Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus was appointed head of the Bangladesh transition government after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasin Vajid fled the country as a result of anti-government protests.

According to Dhaka Tribune, Muhammad Yunus was appointed head of the Provisional Government Bangladesh, which is shaken by student protests.

Officials confirmed that the Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus after the meeting of President Bangladesh Muhammad Shakhabuddin with the leaders of the student anti -abjimation movement was appointed head of the Provisional Government.

Officials also noted that the rest of the transition government will be determined after consultations with various political parties.

– Yunus reacted positively to the request of protesters

One of the coordinators of student protests Nahid Islam said that they want the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus head the transition government, which is planned to be created in the country.

Executive Director of the Center for Yunus, the analytical center of the Nobel Prize of the World Muhammad Yunus, whom protesters want to see at the head of the transition government to Bangladesh, made a statement for BBC.

Lamia Morsede said that Yunus is currently in Paris and will soon return to Dacca. He positively reacted to the request of the students: “How can I refuse when the students who brought so many victims ask me to intervene in this difficult period?” He said.

– Who is the Nobel laureate Yunus?

84-year-old Muhammad Yunus, whom Hasina has long considered his rival, is known as the “Banker of the Poor”.

Nobel laureate Yunus was imprisoned in Bangladesh for numerous financial charges. He became a target for attacks because of his cold relationship with Sheikh Hasina.

The group, which includes the former US President Barack Obama, former Secretary General of the UN Pan Hi Moon and many other famous personalities, sent a letter to Sheikh Hasin and asked to suspend the trial against Yunus.

Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for the Grameen Bank and his innovative activity.