Mysterious death of husband of Azerbaijan Blogger is investigated

Baku’s husband Mirzaeva’s blogger died in Baku, who had joined a week ago – the athlete Kyamal Namazov.

Earlier, A.Mirzayeva claimed that her husband was beaten a few days ago by two athletes, as a result of which the liver was damaged.

As reported by in the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Nasimine district received information about death in his house in the resident of the capital of Kamala Namazov, born in 1984. Forensic medical examination is scheduled to establish the cause of death. Currently, on this fact, the investigation continues in the district prosecutor’s office.

Recently, the spouse of the late Aisha Mirzaeva said local media that there was no beatings. “That day, together with Kamal, we did shopping in the store. In the evening, having come home, he went to bed and died in a dream. Information that he was beaten in the gym and he died from the injuries they did not correspond to reality. I do not know what I wrote on social networks, I had a stressful state, “A.irzayev said.