Nar, together with Yaşat Foundation, handed gifts to Novruz to families of shekhid and war veterans

Nar joined the action organized jointly by the Yaşat Foundation and Bravo Supermarket Network for Shakhid Family and Survected War Veterans.

So, in the framework of the action implemented with the support of various companies, it is planned to deliver the Novo-Friend Gifts to the families of shekhid and severe war veterans who receive treatment in medical institutions.

The goal of the action is to surround the care and attention of the family of shekhid and veterans, including the day before the Novruz holiday.

Note that during the 44-day war, Nar supported its subscribers in the front-line zone. One of the main directions of NAR social projects is to pay special attention to both the families of Shekhid and veterans of war.