NASA Canceled Viper Lunar Canal Program Due To Budget Difficulties

The National Aeronautics and Research of Space (NASA) announced the cancellation of the Viper Lunopolist project, which involved the study of ice layers and other resources at the south pole of the moon. This is stated on the website

The decision on cancellation was made during environmental tests carried out to verify the readiness of the lunar canopy and space conditions.

As part of the Viper program, it was supposed to land near the south pole of the moon and spend 100 days in search of lunar ice deposits. However, NASA canceled the Viper Lunopolis program for financial reasons.

At the moment, NASA has spent about $ 450 million on the Viper program, not counting the cost of starting. The decision to cancel the program will save the agency for an additional $ 84 million at development costs.

It is expected that after the cancellation of the Viper mission will be dismantled or sold.

Deputy Administrator of the NASA Scientific Mission Administration Nikola Fox said that this decision has nothing to do with the research group or the success of the program, but is completely related to budget difficulties.