NASA Warns Of Threat Of Increasing Sea Level For Island Countries In Pacific Ocean

In the next 30 years, such island states of the Pacific Ocean as Tuvalu, Kiribati and Fiji, the sea level will rise “irreversibly”. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists of the National Directorate for Aeronautics and Space Research (NASA), which analyzed the state of sea level in the Pacific at the request of some island states.

Following the results of research, scientists came to the conclusion that in the next 30 years on such island states of the Pacific as Tuval, Kiribati and Fiji, the sea level will rise by at least 15 cm. Moreover, this increase will occur regardless of whether the number of emissions will change greenhouse gases in the coming years or not, as this trend will be “irreversible” character.

At the same time, scientists predict various scenarios of this process for countries. Some countries may experience floods several times a year, while others may be under the influence of this natural phenomenon with a frequency of six months, – scientists say.

Scientists believe that by the 2050s, the risk of floods will increase in almost all the island states of the Pacific Ocean. So, in regions such as Tuvalu and Kiribati, where the ebb they occur less than 5 times a year, by the 2050s this trend may take place on average from 25 to 65 times a year.

Earlier, UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterrish, speaking with a speech at the 53rd Forum of the Pacific Islands, said that an accelerating increase in sea level, warming of the ocean and acidification of water pose a direct threat to the further existence of the Pacific Islands.

The head of the UN called on the international community to completely abandon fossil fuel, which accelerates an increase in water level. “An increase in sea level is a crisis completely created by humanity,” said the head of the UN.