On Friday (15 October 2021), NATO and Ukraine held a workshop on the use of hybrid tactics in multilateral diplomacy at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. Organised as part of the NATO-Ukraine Platform on Countering Hybrid Warfare, the workshop brought together decision-makers and experts from government, think tanks and academia. Participants addressed the risks of hybrid tactics, as well as possible responses.

The NATO-Ukraine Platform on Countering Hybrid Warfare was established at the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2016 and facilitates cooperation in identifying and countering hybrid threats. “Being prepared to prevent, counter and respond to hybrid tactics, whether by state or non-state actors, has become a top priority for NATO,” said James Mackey of NATO’s Political Affairs and Security Policy Division. Opening the workshop, Mr. Mackey stressed that NATO Allies can learn a lot from Ukraine’s experience with Russia’s hybrid tactics and Allies have a lot to offer in building capacity and resilience. “Russia uses hybrid tactics to legitimize its occupation of territories,” said Sergiy Mukosii, Head of the Defence Section of Ukraine’s mission to NATO. Hybrid tactics can include disinformation, cyber-attacks, efforts to weaken public institutions and destabilise societies.