Speaking at the German Atlantic Association ‘NATO Talk 2021’ conference on Friday (19 November 2021), NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed the importance of transatlantic unity in the face of today’s challenges: ”These challenges are all very different, but they have one thing in common”, he said. ”The best way to tackle them is to stay united. Europe and North America together, in NATO”.

The NATO 2030 agenda, which was adopted at NATO’s Brussels Summit in June, aims “to strengthen our Alliance even more, as the indispensable forum to consult, decide and, when necessary, act on all issues that affect our security”, the Secretary General said.
“Germany has a special responsibility to keep NATO strong” the Secretary General stressed. He also thanked Germany for its commitment to the Alliance and its substantial contributions to NATO’s missions, operations and deployments.
Entitled “NATO 2030 – A Transatlantic Agenda for The Future”, the German Atlantic Association ‘NATO Talk 2021’ conference brought together high-ranking officials and young leaders to discuss the most topical foreign and security issues that the world faces.