NATO Secretary General: Russian-Ukrainian War should be resolved on battlefield

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for working on strengthening Ukrainian positions, but not to downplay the threat from Russia.

“We should not make a mistake and underestimate Russia. The Russian army is strong and numerous. The coming months will be difficult. What we must do is to strengthen the position of Ukraine. The only way to come to the resolution of the Russian -Ukrainian conflict is on the battlefield. A lot Wars were decided at the negotiating table, but this is not the case, ”the Ukrainian media Stoltenberg quoted.

NATO Secretary General also emphasized that Ukraine itself should decide which conditions are acceptable for negotiations. According to him, not only the Ukrainian people are interested in the defeat of Moscow: “Not only Ukraine itself needs the victory of Ukraine. NATO also has interest to prevent Putin’s victory. If Putin wins, this will make the world more dangerous and vulnerable.”
