Today (06 October 2021), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg addressed virtually a high level event organized by Germany’s Minister of Defence, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on the initial assessment of NATO’s twenty years efforts in Afghanistan.

“All NATO Allies agreed to go into Afghanistan in support of the United States. We had a clear goal. To prevent Afghanistan from serving as a safe haven for terrorists who threaten our nations. We fulfilled that goal. Our military mission was not in vain. For two decades there have been no terrorist attacks on Allied soil organised from Afghanistan,” the NATO Secretary General said. “At the same time, the international community, supported by our military presence, engaged in nation building and political reform, helping to create the conditions for Afghans to make significant social and economic progress. I am grateful to all who served under the NATO flag; and I honour the sacrifice of the thousands of troops – from Allies, partners, and Afghanistan – who have paid the ultimate price, including 59 German troops,” he added.