Netherlands Are Preparing To Declare State Of Emergency To Combat Migrant Stream

The Netherlands coalition government is preparing to declare a state of emergency that allows you to take more stringent measures in the migration sphere and get out of the EU regulation.

The intention of the Cabinet of Ministers to use the authority to declare a state of emergency in accordance with the Law on Migrants is indicated in the text of the new 138-and-page government program.

A state of emergency that allows the government to issue decisions without consulting parliament in the event of a war, natural disaster and pandemic, will be introduced after consultations in the State Council.

From now on, only migrants engaged in work that ensures regular and sufficient income, as well as those who have lived at the Netherlands at least two years, will be able to use the right to reunite with the family. At the same time, the right to reunion with the family will not apply to children of migrants over 18 years of age.

Applications from asylum suppliers will now be considered more in vain, and asylum to the petitioners who will not appear at the hearing or meeting, the Netherlands authorities will have the right to refuse immediately.

The policy of the forced distribution of migrants in municipalities in the Netherlands will be canceled, and those who do not have a residence permit will be forcibly deported.

In accordance with the new program, the government plans to strengthen border control, and migrants will be able to receive an unlimited residence permit, having continuously living in the country ten, and not five years, as it was before.

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dick Shor confirmed at the press conference of the Cabinet’s intention to tighten the rules of migration and the provision of asylum.

The head of the Dutch government said that the Cabinet will wait for the decision of the State Council to introduce a state of emergency.

According to him, consultations in the State Council on this subject may take from 6 to 8 weeks. “When the influx of migrants decreases and the Dutch feel that they can take it back, and access to the housing market, access to healthcare and education will again become normal, the migrant crisis will become controlled and the state of emergency will end,” said Shorop.

The Minister of Migration Marzholein Faber said that the Netherlands intend to apply the most stringent policy of providing asylum in their history. “People feel the consequences of the refugee crisis every day. Voters gave us a clear mandate. We must change the course and immediately reduce the flow of refugees. I work for the sake of safer Netherlands,” said the head of the department.

Dick Shorof said that the government will ask the European commission to abandon the EU policy to provide asylum and migration – this request will be sent to Brussels next week.