New Crown Prince Kuwait Sabah Khalid al-Hamed al-Sabach is led to an oath

New Crown Prince Kuwait Sabah Khalid al-Hamed al-Sabah is a swearing as deputy Kuwaiti emir al-Ahmed al-Jabera al-Sabah.

According to Kuwaitsky news agency Kuna, Sabah Khalid al-Hamed al-Sabah was accepted by Emir Meshal in the Palace of the safe for the ceremony to take the oath to the Constitution.

According to the decree issued by Emir Meshal, Sabah Khalid al-Hamed al-Sabah was appointed new Crown Prince of the country and the “deputy emir.”

The newly appointed Crown Prince Sabach served as Prime Minister from November 19, 2019 to July 24, 2022.