Nigeria: about 100 people were saved from hands of Boko Haram

In the northeast of Nigeria, 99 people were saved from the hands of the Boko Haram terrorist organization.

This was announced on the social network X specialist in security issues in the area of ​​Lake Chad Zagazola Makama.

According to his information, the Nigerian army organized an anti -terrorist operation against Boko Haram militants, which were hidden in the forest of Sambis in the state of Borno.

Makama noted that as part of the operation, 99 people were saved from the hands of terrorists, including 41 women.

He also added that among the rescued two children and one of the exercises taken hostage during an attack on a boarding school in 2014.

The Boko Haram terrorist organization has been attacking Africa countries since 2015, trying to destabilize the situation in Cameroon, Chade and Niger.

Since 2009, over 20 thousand people have become victims of an extremist organization.

The terrorist group also operates in Cameroon, Chad and Niger. At least 2 thousand people became victims of terrorists in the area of ​​Lake Chad.

Due to terrorist attacks and clashes in the country, hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their houses.

Boko Haram on April 14, 2014 attacked a boarding school in the city of Chibk, located in the northeastern state of the country, where she stole 276 students.

Amnesty International said that some students were saved or managed to escape after the attack, and 82 of them are captured for 10 years.